Bold means it’s complete
Orange means I no longer care or want it
Blue means it’s started and in process
Purple means it just didn’t happen
listen more/see more/write more
continue to watch COTE take on a life of its own and flourish
continue to watch PGPC take on a life of its own and flourish
get smart(er) about finances
start learning an instrument (piano and guitar)
exhibit photography
read the classics
read more fiction
read EVEN more nonfiction
voice lessons
book Law and Order: SVU
do an arts and theatre rehabilitation program with incarcerated people
create work that encourages thoughtful dialogue
get back in touch with good friends from yonder years
rid myself of unhealthy and dead relationships
create my own "1000 places to see before you die"- blog it
finish a collection of short plays
once and for all - do something with this blog
work off broadway and regionally
stop being afraid to ask for more $$$
attempt to see all of the work and shows my friends are doing
workshop new pieces
study psychoanalysis
finish all my sentences
challenge myself
associate with people who challenge me
work with the Culture Project
finish reading all of the books in my current library
host a "dinner party" (
do my part to see more women empowered and more positively represented in the theatre world
have a vegetable garden
study Arabic and Italian
be more present
post 1 blog entry per week
Stop cussing... use more colorful vocabulary (though the occasional "fuck" is totally fine)
find and join political group that's actually doing something - be active
work on my relationship with food and my body
assign specific times in the day to do e-mail and phone business so it doesn't take over my life
be more physically active
let her go
let them go
lose iphone addiction
be more present
learn about astronomy
learn about astrology and what the hell "birth signs" actually mean
travel to 3 new places I've never been before
and the longer reaching stuff:
own a feminist-progressive book store and cupcake shop
direct and-or write a play that starts a revolution (or at least a riot)
get a cedar tree tattoo
run a groundbreaking cultural organization
have an art or photography installation at a gallery or museum
visit the "1000 places to see before you die" (according to the 2007 edition of the book...apparently there is a new edition every few years)
grow my hair super long and then shave it all off and allow it to grow back in its natural color without ever dying it again
foster cats
adopt a child
be part of the movement that ends violence against women
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