I came across this while reading one of my favorite feminist zines...
"When people think many different ideas and move in one direction, that's a movement. When people think the same idea and move in the same direction, that's a cult. So are we building a movement or are we building cults?" - Loretta Ross
This important piece was fwd: to me today. It is a must read for all theatre students, practitioners and teachers. It's from the ATHE (Association for Theater in Higher Education) Conference Plenary, “The Elephant in the Room” by Jill Dolan.
Check out Robby's pix from the weekend! He is an absolutely brilliant photographer!
Check out the pictures from this weekend's production of "Questionable Content" by Co-Op Theatre East at the Gene Frankel Theatre...
Some thoughts...
PAKR(ING) NYC - http://parkingdaynyc.org/about
N.Y. Artist Records Public Scorn on Wall Street- http://www.1010wins.com/pages/2978013.php
Geoffrey Raymond's blog (The artist from the above article)- http://theannotatedfuld.blogspot.com/
Eve Ensler's "Drill, Drill, Drill" - http://www.huffingtonpost.com/eve-ensler/drill-drill-drill_b_124829.html
The Laramie Project (10 Years Later)- http://www.nytimes.com/2008/09/17/theater/17laramie.html?pagewanted=1&_r=1
COTE's first production "Questionable Content" opens tomorrow night at the Gene Frankel Theatre. To reserve your tickets visit www.endtimesproductions.org . Several of the performances are filling up fast!
Some fantastic information on where the Presidential candidates stand on the Arts from "The Fund for Women Artists". I would copy and paste it in here but it's better to just click on the link.